A book about
Software Design
An inside track on how to facilitate domain modeling decisions. Lay out of pragmatic techniques for making collaborative design decisions, ensuring you’re getting a group’s full participation and input to solve real business problems.

Chapter #01
The need for collaborative software design
Great technical teams working closely with well-meaning business stakeholders can still deliver software that fails to meet an organization’s needs. We see it every day. Software teams become too focused on finding solutions without fully appreciating the context of the organization. Business stakeholders can be reluctant to voice their concerns in technical sessions. Tensions escalate, and conflicts go unresolved.
Chapter #02
What is collaborative modeling
A visualization technique to analyze complex and conflict-laden decision-making processes with all relevant stakeholders and decision-makers to create a shared understanding.
Chapter #05
Facilitating collaborative modeling
Collaborative modeling tools alone do not guarantee effective collaboration; someone needs to guide people during collaboration: a facilitator.
The book
Making domain modeling desicions can be hard. Great technical teams working closely with well-meaning business stakeholders can still deliver software that fails to meet an organization’s needs.
But how do you know if they are making the right desiscions? How do you know if they are focusing on the right solutions?
This guide is made by industry experts, taking you through all the steps and techniques for making collaborative design decisions, ensuring you’re getting a group’s full participation and input to solve real business problems.
“An indispensable guide to modern software development collaboration techniques, with clear explanations of how to facilitate each of them. Grounded in research, but born out of many years of practice!”
What you will learn
Holding and facilitating collaborative modeling sessions
How to make sustainable software design decisions
Heuristics for software design
through collaborative modeling
How to deal with social dynamics
when making design decisions
In need of consultancy or training around making sustainable domain modeling decisions?
We can train technical leaders in your company to facilitate collaborative modeling sessions, coach current facilitators to become more effective or facilitate a session for you.
The authors
Evelyn van Kelle
is a behavioral change consultant that helps organizations and teams in designing and maintaining socio-technical systems to change environments in such a way that desired behavior can flourish.
Kenny Baas-Schwegler
Gien Verschatse