Ah, the untamable attraction to new shiny things. Personally, I am more drawn to actual shiny things rather than frameworks, but hey, we all got our preferences. You’re not alone in this observation. Many software development teams jump on new frameworks and tools...
This is a question I hear often, and it's a thoughtful one! Let me start by saying this: the goal of a collaborative session isn’t to make sure everyone speaks—it’s to create an environment where everyone’s knowledge and ideas can surface. And to ensure...
Oh my, that sounds like you’re in some challenging meetings. Social dynamics are a league on their own, aren’t they? While we can't tell you why this person is showing this behavior, there are some things we can consider to understand this better. First of all,...
Ah, the age-old question: Can you be both a facilitator and a participant during an EventStorming session? The short answer is yes—but tread carefully. It’s a balancing act, and your success depends on the dynamics of the session, your role within the group, and your...
Getting your company on board with collaborative modeling can be tricky, but there are some clever, low-key ways to start. Try what I call “Secret Modeling,” a term from Ben Monsoir (check out learningwardleymapping.com). Here’s the idea: you’re in a meeting that...
Now that would be the dream, right? Unfortunately, there always seems to be that somebody who takes up the most air time, always reacts first and occasionally adding unrelated topics to the conversation. Sounds familiar? Well, you’re not alone. In an ideal world, the...